Architecture & Landscaping Workshops

  • Garden Landscaping Design Workshop

    Sunday, March 16, 2025, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Sunday, March 23, 2025, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

    Are you ready to talk to a landscape contractor or do the work yourself! No level of experience required. Find out what questions you should be asking and many cost-saving ways to make your outdoor space your most favourite place to be!

    The second class will allow partipants to have individual time with Gillean to discuss their projects. Time slots will be discussed during the first class.

    With nearly twenty years' experience in the U.S. and England as an architectural designer and teacher, focusing on urban agriculture and sustainability, Gillean will guide participants through the process of analyzing their own outdoor space. Through discussion, you'll develop clear design concepts and focus on how your space will mature and be nurtured in the future. Let's help Chelsea grow!

    As a new resident of Quebec, Gillean is still learning French. For the time being, this workshop will be held in English.

Architecture 🛠

Landscaping 🪴

Architecture 🛠 Landscaping 🪴